Sunday 17 January 2021

Christmas Card Club Challenge #2 Nativity

 Hi Crafters,

We had a little scattering of snow yesterday in this neck of the woods, it looked very pretty from the window but I'm glad that I didn't have to venture out in it. I'm looking forward to the Spring now when we can hopefully start to bring back some of our normal routines, Covid permitting of course.

Well it was Margaret's turn to choose a theme this week and she has given us


 I have three cards this time, two from the Hunkydory 'Miracles of Christmas' collection and a stamped one using a Spellbinders set of stamps that I've had for a long time but never used so this is it's first outing. The paper is from 'Snowy Daze' paper pad from The Works.

I've kept them all flat for posting. Last year I noticed that most of my customers were posting their cards and not delivering by hand.

Challenges I'd like to enter:

CHNC Every Saturday - #525 ATG Christmas / Use a Sentiment

Aud Sentiments - #266 ATG + A Sentiment

Fezziwigs Festive Frolics - Anything Festive

I hope your Sunday is going well so far, thank you for visiting and I'll see you again soon.




  1. Stunning post with gorgeous cards. Love the colours and images used. ♥

  2. All fabulous cards Lorraine. I need to try and keep mine flat for posting too. It costs a fortune if you put a nice bow or Decoupage on. Enjoy your Day. Hugs Rita xxxxx

  3. Three great cards have been having fun on your crafting....
    It’s a glorious sunny day here today so feeling much more cheerful...take care xxx

  4. Three beautiful cards for the challenge Lorraine. Take care. Christine x

  5. 3 gorgeous cards, love the images xx

  6. A beautiful collection of Christmas cards Lorraine, lovely nativity images.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  7. Beautiful collection -love all the images and the dies on the first card
    Carol x

  8. Beautiful nativity cards Lorraine,

  9. Absolutely gorgeous cards Lorraine, lovely nativity images and so colourful, lovely designs too, Kate x

  10. These are beautiful - well done Lorraine! Hugs rachel xx

  11. A lovely selection of cards but for me you have saved the best till last. I love this card. What superb colours hugs Mrs A.

  12. Ah these are all stunning, what beautiful makes I cant decide on a fav as they are all brilliant in their own way, thanks for joining in with me over on Fezziwigs, Stay Safe, Hazel xx

  13. Hi Lorraine! I love your nativity scenes, especially the first one. Thank you for sharing at Aud Sentiments. Valérie DT Aud Sentiments

  14. Wonderful cards, so creative. Thanks for sharing with us at Crafty Hazelnut's Christmas Challenge. Good luck!

  15. Lovely trio of nativity cards. I like the different textures and images. Zoe x


Each one is read and greatly appreciated, thanks.