Saturday 15 October 2016

Goodbye Lizzie

Hi Crafters,

It's been a sad day, coming to terms with saying goodbye to Lizzie our rescue cat who we have loved for fourteen years, she was so much a part of our family. 
At 17 I knew this time would come but she had 3 seizures yesterday and we couldn't watch her suffer anymore.
She had such a lovely nature and did funny and endearing things so I'd like to share this picture of her doing just that...
..resting her head on a tennis ball!



  1. Aww Lorraine so sad to hear this news, what a beautiful puss, it's a lovely photo of her. Such a long time for her to share your life with and so much part of the family. So hard to say goodbye, been there and it broke my heart, but you have lovely memories of her little quirky was, hugs Kate x

  2. So hard to lose a loved pet Lorraine, I hope the happy memories sustain you at this sad time.

  3. She was a beautiful cat Lorraine and she was loved.......

    big hugs,

    Diane xx

  4. Oh Lorraine, how sad. Hopefully you will remember all the good times with your beautiful pet and it will help eventually. Big hugs! Christine xx

  5. I'm so sorry to hear your sad news Lorraine, she was a beautiful cat.

  6. Oh Lorraine a sad sad day.....thinking of you xxxxxx

  7. So sorry for you and know just how you are feeling. I won't have any more cats, as I can't cope with the sadness you are having now. Sending you a big hug, Carol S.xx

  8. Aww Lorraine you and your family have my sympathies hun. It is so hard when we lose one of our family members, because that's what I think our pets become, part of our family. Big hugs sweetie xx

  9. Sorry to hear of your sad news Lorraine, thinking of you.

    Hugs Erika. X

  10. So sorry to hear this news Lorraine. She looks a real character. R.I.P Lizzie xx

  11. aaww so sorry for your loss Lorraine beautiful pic and cat
    Carol x

  12. So sorry Lorraine. It's never easy to lose a pet, especially when you've had her that long. Sending hugs.

  13. Oh Lorraine, I am so sorry... this post brought tears to my heart. Furbabies become a very real part of our family and the love cannot be denied. I am sending extra love and prayer your way, sweet friend. I hate that you're enduring this heartache but am grateful Lizzie received your love for so many years. **hugs**

    Hugs and blessings,

  14. It's so hard to lose our little furry loved ones...I'm so sorry for your loss, but happy your had so many lovely years with her. She's a real beauty. (((Hugs)))

  15. Oh what a sad day for you but at least she had a lovely life with you xx

  16. I'm so sorry to read this Lorraine, our pets are such a big part of our families. Sending you a big hug.
    Gina xx

  17. A lovely photo of your dear Lizzie Lorraine. I'm so sorry that you had to say goodbye to her. Sending Big Hugs, Barbxx

  18. Each time over the past 32 years when I have had to make the decision that keeping them would only be for my benefit I just look back at the joy and happiness they have brought into my life and knew it was the right decision. The pain for us is fortunately a short lived thing, the happy memories last forever.
    My thoughts are with you Lorraine x


Each one is read and greatly appreciated, thanks.