Friday 15 April 2016

Mine's a Pint!

Hi Crafters,

What a dreary morning it is today and set to stay that way too I think well in to the weekend. What has happened to our seasons? - there doesn't seem to be a defined Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter any more like I remember as a young girl, instead we have an erratic swing from warm to cold and sunny to rainy days all in one week. Just as I put my winter woollies away, I need them again.
Well that's enough talk about the weather - we could be here all day!

On to my card which is the reason for my title today, not that I drink pints mind you, can't stand the taste of beer at all, but this is my 'OLDIE' share for Erika's challenge at Snappy Crafts. I haven't joined in for a while so I found this older card in my file and here we are....

Image - Personal Impressions Stamp -  Mens 1
Coloured with my Pro/flexmarkers
Embossilicious Folder
Tonic 'Happy Birthday' Die
EK Success Punched Corners
Tattered Lace Frame Die
Ribbon from stash

If you would like to join in with us at Erika's, it's just for fun, post an old card or crafty project and link up over on her blog.

That's all from me today, but I have DT posts over the weekend so I will see you then.



  1. Great male card Lorraine.I totally agree about the weather and seasons. Yesterday started out cold then the sun cam out and was very warm for a time but suddenly the hevens popened and it was hail stones!!! Ceazy! Hugs Chrisitne xx

  2. I am in total agreement on the weather Lorraine, the last year or so seems to be four seasons all rolled into one and ongoing dreary weather, we've had heavy rain for the last 24 hours. The only up side is the paddocks are looking lovely and green. But at least there is some brightness on the horizon with your card, a perfect one for the guys.

    B x

  3. We all like to have a good moan about the weather, Lorraine - we're British! But I'm with you, the seasons seem to have all merged into one and there is no distinction as to where one ends and another begins - I think it's just going to be a case of enjoy it when you get it from now on! (Though I wish it would fall in line with the school holidays a bt more!)
    Fab male card - you've coloured that pint brilliantly! Hugs, Lisa x

  4. I think I have an oldie with this stamp too Lorraine. Great minds think alike! Love your colour combo.
    Good to hear you are on the mend as for the bruise,you're probably better not knowing. 😉
    Thanks for joining me sharing an oldie today, take care, hugs

    Erika. X

  5. What a wonderful birthday card Lorraine! I love that image, and the printed ribbon is such a great touch! The shimmery paper really grabs the light, love it! hugs :)

  6. What a great card Lorraine. Absolutely perfect for a male. If the glass had been painted black it would have been perfect for me too. I drink pints of Guinness! Barbxx

  7. Smashing stamp Lorraine great for most guys. We have snow falling from a heavily laden sky at the moment bitterly cold too, where has spring gone?

  8. I agree about the weather, it´s very much so here in Sweden as well. Today the sun is shining between the clouds though.
    What a great oldie! The card immediately caught my eye because of that lovely turquoise color.
    Have a great weekend.
    Hugs, Lisa

  9. Hi Lorraine,
    what a very super card, and that stamped image is brilliantly coloured also.
    Great designing as always.
    Yes you are right about this weather.
    I have storage heaters, and once turned off they take a long time before you get the heat back on.
    So I am always in a quandary whether to turn them off or not.
    Hope you have a super weekend, and your weather improves.
    Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

  10. Hello Lorraine, fab male card, great colours too, smashing Oldie, Kate x

  11. What a wonderful male card Lorraine! I love the colours!
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Gina xx

  12. One of the things I love about your creativity is that you do every theme so brilliantly. :o) The stamp is fabulous and I love the textured, shiny background. As I've mentioned before, I do enjoy when you do these blasts from the past since I missed out on a boatload of your magic before we crossed paths. :o) I hope you have a beautiful weekend, my friend... whatever the willy nilly weather decides to be! It certainly has become more unpredictable every year.

    Hugs and blessings,

  13. A brilliant mans card Lorraine, love the image and colours
    Lorraine x

  14. Somewhere in my 'Mens' stamps folder there is this stamp too!! Not used it in years. Brilliant card and love the colours. Hugs, Carol S.xx

  15. Fabulous card... Lorainne... I have that stamp ... You have done a stunning card... Love it...
    Hugs Sylvie xx

  16. great card Lorraine - fabulous x

  17. Do you mind if I join you? I love draft beer but it has to be good and cold. None of the warm stuff for me!
    Cheers to you for such a Happy Birthday Card!
    Sandy xx

  18. A fabulous oldie share Lorraine, a brilliant masculine design.

  19. we had sun,rain,sun and hailstone yesterday!!!love the masculine image though nowadays it could be female too lol love the embossing too
    Carol x


Each one is read and greatly appreciated, thanks.