Tuesday 22 April 2014

A Little Boy's Birthday Card

Hi Crafters,
I'm finding it difficult to squeeze in the chance to blog at the moment. I have had the odd visit and comment on some of your blogs but life is rather hectic right now. I have been making cards, just not posting them here but I have one quick share with you tonight...

As you can see I'm still using those baby stamps and dies from Clearly Besotted Stamps. I like how this colourful card turned out, I wasn't too sure when I was making it to begin with.
Hope you all enjoyed your Easter break and I'll catch you all again soon,


  1. Love this bright and vibrant card, just perfect for a little boy with it's fun little train and the wonderful button embellishment :) xx

  2. Love the train and fab bright colours, a perfect little boy card :o) Hugs, Lisa x

  3. What a perfect boys card, love the train and clouds in the circle.

  4. This is such a fab card! Love the wonderful bright colours and little train.
    Gina x


Each one is read and greatly appreciated, thanks.